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Join date: Jan 8, 2022


Laura is a trauma expert and the Founder & CEO of Traumascapes. She is also a Visiting Lecturer at UCL and at Queen Mary University of London, a Visiting Associate Researcher of the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience at King's College London, and she serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of The Lancet Psychiatry and the Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee for ATTUNE at the University of Oxford. Laura's research has focused on survivor conceptualisations of trauma, the embodied experience of trauma, and the development of novel body-based interventions. Her teaching covers the neurobiology of trauma, body-based and creative interventions, art for health, trauma-informed practice, and survivor research. She has worked with many universities, NHS Trusts, the National Institute for Health Research, Public Health England, Wellcome, and others. She has published, presented widely (including keynotes and TEDx talks), and exhibited internationally.

Laura E. Fischer

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