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Get Involved



Be the change

You can either protect violence by accepting the status quo or you can prevent violence and protect survivors by disrupting the status quo. Care for yourself and others; learn to recognise relational and systemic violence, abuse, and trauma; speak up when things aren't right; listen to, believe, and support trauma survivors.



Collaborate with us

We welcome collaborations on projects related to trauma and we are always keen to hear of new ideas. You may also be interested in working with us through our trauma trainings, research consultancy, creative research outputs, or art consultancy.


For roles at Traumascapes, you can check our Current Opportunities below.



Take part in research

We work on a lot of research projects related to trauma and mental health, all of which are led or co-led by trauma survivors. Often, there are opportunities to take part.


Have a look at our Current Opportunities below to see if something speaks to you.


Our work is community-driven. We believe in fostering connection and collectively creating safety, freedom, and joy.

Current Opportunities



We are recruiting 12 Commissioners (co-authors) from across the world to join us in writing a new Lancet Psychiatry Commission on lived experience in mental health research!


Lived experience is essential for mental health research to be meaningful, for practice and policy to effectively serve the people concerned, and for inequities to be identified and addressed appropriately. While we have come far, thanks to the many people with lived experience who have made this happen, there are still many disparities in how the role of lived experience is understood and valued, how it is theorised, and how it is implemented in practice.


The Commission will reflect on the history and evolution of lived experience involvement; assess existing knowledge and identify gaps; establish key principles; make space for differences and debates; and provide recommendations and next steps.


The Commission is co-led by Traumascapes and the Service User Research Enterprise at King’s College London, in partnership with the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health, with funding and support from Wellcome.


You can find out more about the Commission and this role, including how to apply, on the Commission website:





If you have questions about this opportunity, you can contact Dylan (they/them):​​​


Thanks trauma, we’ll take it from here.

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